I feeel good eventhough i dun feel good (>.<) okay, maybe, i should put it this way.. I feel good mentally but not physically.. okay okay? =D
ANYWAYYYYY, these days, many things happenedddd... most of it are unhappy thingssss... =( which leads to sadness.. OBVIOUSLLYYYY.. buttt.. i guesssss my darlinggg is righttt...
oh! and imma seeing the rainbow nowwww!! wan me to shoowwwww youuuu? hahahahaXD aiyaaa! malas lah, aku nak ambil thumbdrive and slowly uploadddd.. ok ok..
instead.. let me upload about some hawtttttttttttttt guys picturessss.. u know what? I REALLLY FIND THEM HOT YOU KNOW!
okay, guysss.. dont be jealous because you dont look like them =X God already give you eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, and legs.. and a heart.. so dont complain so much =X oh! and He gave you lungs, 12 pairs of ribss.. and 33 vertebrae.. kidney, intestines, stomach, gall bladder, duodenum, bile, and anus! hahahahaXD and ofc, your reproduction organs =X
okay.. ENOUGH! this is getting.. too biologic.. X.X
okayy.. THIS! is realllll cute =P my all time favourite Jesse Mccartney =P
and and this guy! i think he looks a little mature here.. but wait he skates on ice! THEN, you'll fainttt... =P cause cause, it might take your breath away *faintsssss* hehe.. Matt Lanter =P
and you know, you know! the golfer... Noh Seung-Yul.. is also like damn cuteee.. the one who won the Maybank Golf Competition thingyyy.. dun wanna post his pictures up.. cause it doesnt look niceee.. when u watch the golf thingyy.. omggg.. he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D cause cause that day, my dad and I were like fighting for the tv.. my dad wanted to watch golf.. so fineee.. being a really faithful daughter, i let him watch.. THEN! i spot Nohhhh! omggg.. i was like watching golf for 2 hours.. not looking at the ball but him =P hahaXD
anywayyy, enough of crap! i wanna have my lunch! so, byeee! =D