"you didnt see me meh? you blind arh? i'm in the orange shirt.."
only i knew.. ahahhaXDD
today is the 26the December.. there's like 5 more days till 2009.. form 4..
mission 2009:
-stay hyper
-be more feminine (that's SO IMPOSSIBLE.. i'm already feminine.. wakaka! bullshit.. damn funneh! wait.. i dun think i need to change lor.. just be who i am! its fun!! try being yourself! common la.. i mean, its SANDRAAAAA!!!!! if sandra's not hyper, means its end of the world larh! *winks* my brother says, "look at you larh! no one will like you wan.. you so like that.." so what mann? if a person likes me, they have to like my personality, if you dun like, then dun like LORRR.. i got other frens maa.. and if OTHER frens also dun like me, i still have my best buddies like plants and animals! ;) it's not the end of the world! =D )
- listen to what teacher is teaching
- never miss club meetings
- enjoy st.john meetings more
- play volleyball till my hands break
- dsiturb emily AND xiauwei more ;)
oh shitty gosh!!! i just realise that sheauhwa is in Japan. I thought i wished her goodbye.. oh, that was when i was dreaming.. i didnt wish her.. =.="
no one's online and my hyperness is deteriorating.. i need.to.eat.something.sweet. and get sugar rush! and get hyperrrr!! nahh.. i think i need to sleep MORE.. hahaXD
as you know, my blog is full of crap, so whatever shitty mission i said, its SO crappyyy.. but it MIGHT be true!!! wakaka!!!
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