well, today, i went for the concert rehersal.. i was stuck in the jam.. we saw many police lorries and lorries.. its probably because of the landslide.. hmm.. sad case mann...
anyway, kesian siewjin, have to evacuate also.. i hope you're STILL in good condition..
well, today, can be a happy or a sad day.. cause all of us were very happy, gossiping about Yizen.. and shook cheeng.. Louisa almost fainted when she knew it.. she almost spitted out her 100plus.. at first, yizen didnt want to do it.. but me and yuenloong keep forcing and kind of harrasing him.. hahahaXD well, yuenloong DID harrass him.. one word. ewh. yuen loong arr.. dun be so gay can or nottt... you got gf ady wan arrr.. act more mature larrr.. hahhahahaXDD well, yeah. not a happy ending.. haizzz.. me and yuenloong's titik peluh all washed down to the drain..
kesian yizen.. aihh... I want to ask how is he larhh.. yizen arr.. dun be sad until you screw the performance okay?? you're the main singer.. MAINNN SINGERR!!! haizz.. during the backstage.. all of us were so worried about him.. you larh! shook cheeng!! hahahahXDD well, not funny.. but.. yizen.. chill kay?? he was so happy up till the heaven the whole time until something brought his mood down to hell.. HAIZZZ!!!!!
"If its suppose to feel good, its not call love.."
chill yizen. you're not gonna die.. =.=" all of us were so worried about you.. INCLUDING her.
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