my mom agreed.. and i had A REALLY SUPER HARD TIME picking colours and different type of crystals =.= GOSH!.. i was so fussy.. my mom was like =.= faster lar.. make up ur mind.. hahaha.. so, after picking everything.. my mom was like =O SO MANY STUFF WAN? i was like, DUH!

AND, YOU MUST BLOODY WATCH THIS! DAMN CUTE! my niece =D i was laughing like shit man.. and and she wasnt looking at the camera cause she was playing with my handphone chain =D nananananana~ and forgive her super high pitch voice.. hahaXD when i show it to her, she was like, clapping for herself.. hahahaXD
today, i went so many places to shop.. god knows how tired am I.. and i feel damn happy whenever i compose songs.. cause i'm like Nodame.. fyi, Nodame is a character in a japanese show named Nodame Cantabile.. and this girl doesnt like to play according to the score =D just like me =D
oh well, bought a pair of shoes today =D forced to T.T and, went to ampang point.. i mean NEAR ampang point to see jewelleries.. mwah mama wants to buy =.= ugh.. to me, waste money.. my mom was like, "now you say waste money.. wait until you grow up.. you will like it.."
and i replied, "i still need a long time to grow up!"
I asked my dad for a mini cooper today.. and he was like, "so small! cannot fit many ppl la.. no point.."
me: for my husband and I enough di la..
dad: THEN you ask ur husband to buy for you larh..
me: okok.. then if boyfriend leh? you buy for me right? then i dun marry..
dad: boyfriend? got money only accept.. no money ask him to get out.. tell him everyday you want to drink sharkfin soup wan.. and he need to be rich.. cause you eat a lot..
me: =.= wth...
dad: *laughssssssssss like crazy*
me: *double wth* =.= ugh.
Alex is still in love with Power Rangers.. there was a meet and greet session in Sungei wang today.. and there was display toys of Power Rangers and he asked my mom to buy him one. =.= right.
Damn, i love making fun of him. But in the end, he always kenakan me back =.= ugh. annoying.
That day, he asked me to listen to his songs and straight away play it on the piano and he expect perfection. Ugh. Double annoying.
My whole family wants me to take Diploma in my piano. Ugh. Triple annoying. They REALLY WANT me to take.. and i REALLY DONT WANT TO TAKE. T.T until the extend till alex ask, "okay.. tell us what do you want us to do to make you take it.."
and its until the extend till i said, "NO. NOTHING!" damn pissing me off.
ANYWAY, In the jewellery shop today, i told my dad i like this bracelet. I showed him the catalogue. It was super nice.. it was like an instrument bracelet. I bet sheau hwa would like it.. and i ask my dad to get it for me.. i said,
"if you buy me this, I will take Diploma in piano.." he was like, "you take ady, then only i buy for you.." and i said, "NO! i want it NOW!" he replied, "oh.. okla! take back the catalogue larh! no problem wan!"
=.= RIGHT. Ugh. QUADRUPLE annoying =.=
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