BOO YAAAAAAAAAAA!!! humansss haeeeeee-luuuuu~ =D
Yesterday, was the first day of school, it was seriously too much of a drama. I even cried yesteday night.. Cried till I fell asleep.. Damn sad caseee... I feel so.. =( and like.. nobody was there for me =(
ANYWAY... . .. First day of school, kena tembak by puiyi already, "WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH!!! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ALSO LATE!!!!" *everyone laughs*
I'm gonna get you one day, fattttieeee! =P lagi pun, i was like, the emcee for the day.. I'm so glad I didnt do any mistake like the other time.. like what chengken was laughing about..
"Keluhuran PerBERLEMBAGAAN =.="
During negaraku, i wanted to burst out laughing already.. Cause.. I was like, looking at all the students, and I was trying to spot like the top 5 prefects.. i spot all 4.. but not Siewjin.. WHEREEEE could she beee? hahahaha
Rupa-rupanya, she was on top of the amphitheatre.. i had some crazy thought of her as a God, looking down at her humans she created.. DAMN FUNNY.. and i tell you, DAMN BERGAYA WEYHHH!!! ahhahahahaXD
but seriously, too much drama for the first day. Dont ask me. Longgggg story. Alpha, Beta. Alpha, Beta. Alpha..,
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u might not know what i'm talking about, but.. .. just, go with the flowww.. ahahahhXD
Damn myself, i was SOOO DAMN BLOODY EXTREMELY BORED!!! all the teachers were teaching except the teachers in my classsieeee? and like, gosh.. Arjun and I went wandering around the school, and finding teachers for no apparent reason?
hahaha.. arjun got tired and i went myselffff after that, i wanted to go find Niren and Jarrett they all but thennn.. Niren, same as Siewjin and Tharine were involved with the orientation thingyyy, so i was ALL BY MYSELF.. SOBBSSS.. what am i crapping?
OKAY, anyway, this was funny, I wanted to go find Dana.. then, when i stepped into the class, I think the students thought I'm gonna scold them for making so much noise or something, and all of them kept quiet and look at me with innocent eyes.. I was like, "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the.. .. . " AHHAHAHA.. i'm respected YO!!!! =D
A form 1 junior added me and facebook and chatted with me.. i was like,"errr. .. who are you?" Ahahaha.. and she saidddd.. ..
i noe...can c that you're very strict.
u nvr smile in schul
I was like. .. er.. okay.. ahhahahhaXD
My first day of school was kinda crappy larh.. and damn sad case wan.. I felt so lonely.. awww.. ='( SOBSSSS... . okay, cut that crap =.=
early morning also laugh so hard cause of the principle's speech.. damn funny la her.. =D love her man! but my feet hurt SOOOOO much because of the high heels =(
and then, during addmaths, LAUGH AGAINNNN, cause of Puan Jeyanthi.. made us laugh like crazy.. ahhahahahXD
during recessssss, spent time with my buddehhhhsss~ =D and had a fun time laughing with what sheau hwa told us about her class and what adeline told about ariff's new hostel or something like that.. ahhahaXD
during Maths, we had the perjumpaan persatuan.. vollehhhh ballieeee.. you CANT BELIEVE how much i laugheeddd.. its as if I've never laugh before in my entire life.. ahahhahXD POWER RANGERSSSS!!!! err.. the WHITE COLOUR WAN ARHHH.. ahhahahahahXD
and the stupid sheau hwa go vote me to become the AJK peralatan.. WHICH, its like the most difficult post.. need to make sure all the balllssss are collected after every meeting.. and puiyi was like, "lei gu dim chi gei ge boh sin larhhh.."
translated: you look after your own balls first larh..
i was like WTH... stupid man! LUCKILY, i didnt kena.. ahhahahXD during the introduction, I was like, "hi, i'm sandra cheah, and dont vote for me because we should give chances to the smaller ones.."
everyone kept quiet for a moment and teacher suddenly said," Kedua-dua pelajar lelaki lebih BESAR daripada kamu.."
what i meant was AGE, teacher.. not SIZE! ahahhahahXD
during english pulak, i laughed SOOOO HARD because of Miss Nina.. she RAWKSSS WEYH!!! =D Guchi guchi muchi muchi! =DDDDD she's DAMN FUNNYY... siewjin was like DAMN CRAPPY ALSOOO.. mostly, only me and siewjin.. i mean, SIEWJIN AND I were laughing... i think the other students were like DOT DOT DOT. ahahhahahaXD
after that, we had sejarah... Teacher wrote stuff on the board.. and she was like, " dalam topik ini ada tiga subtopik, kamu hanya perlu belajar yang ni, ni, dan ini.. *points on the board*"
and we listened attentively.. then, after that sentence, "okay.. kamu boleh kemas beg.." everyone was like HARH???? so fast?? hhahahahahhaXD
had lunch, came back. slept for 30 mins, and went for tuition with chengnam, keanloong and chun xian.. i tell you, NEVER IN MY LIFE I HAD ALMOST LAUGH NON STOP FOR ALMOST 2 HOURS WEYHHHH!!!!! cheng nam was like question mark question mark.. keanloong was laughing along with me the whole time.. and chun xian was just... . . .. .damn crapppish.. ahahahahhahaXD we were learning about the water wavessss.. and.. . . .keanloong drawing was like THIS~! seeee? we are like some physician.... water wavessss.. with the antinodee.. and nodeee.. ahahahhahaXD I was looking at keanloong's drawing.. then he said, "dont loook so long, later you will laugh.." it took me some time.. to figure out what he was trying to say... LATER DID I KNOWWWW,
he meant THISSSS! and all of us started burst out laughing.. like WTHHHH!!! ahahhahahXD why must he join the node like that? ahahahhahaXD looks damn wrong!
and on the board, there was more of it, got larger and smaller, and we started laughing for NO APPARENT REASON.. and GOSH! keanloong! damn dirty minded larh YOU! ahahahhahaXD
inilah, keanloong =P yang tertidur.
I dont know how, but we laughed for 2 freaking hours non stop.. and chengnam will be like saying something out of kl and my topic.. so, kl and I will be like.. dot dot dot.. what? ahahhahahaXD
I forgot what happen.. but I was drinking water, like lots of it.. then i think keanloong was like, "guys suck what?" or something like that.. i forgot what he said already, and i spit out the water like SERIOUSLYYYYY.. until chengnam there already.. and the whole table was wet! AHHAHAHAHAHAHXD
ahhaha.. okay larh.. all i want to say is.. .. I just love school soooo much! and I definitely love the people around me =) and i still cant believe, I SERIOUSLY laughed the whole day.. my jaw hurts now.. ahahahXD
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