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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eternal Regret.

Two Twenty-Nine in the morning.

Wrapping my arms around my teddy bear as tight as I could,
and curling myself up on the bed at a smallest diameter I could,
Books, Papers, Writings, Frustration.
All around.
Chemistry, Addmaths.
Relate that with the word "frus"
Lying down, wondering what will happen when worse comes to worst.
Staring at the ceiling with my mind as empty as the streets.
Listening to the water droplets,
Trying to recall the ionic and convalent bonds.
Trying to remember the formulas for logarithms.

Nothing appear in my mind.

Eyes closed, afraid that it would never open till 6am,
I quickly flip my eyes open.
Wide open.

The process repeats.

What in the bloody world happened to me?

I guess the neurons in my brains are expanding which disabled me to stuff those chemical formulae and elements into my useless head.

Cafffeine, kills.

(gosh, I'm like doing some advertisment =.=")

Two Thirty-Eight in the morning.

-sign off-

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