before AGM startssssss~~~ we had no time.. so had to eat and drink in bilik pameran =P

my lowling and mama..
the crazy flammable famileh! damn pain lorh! my papa xinyi and mama flammable pulling my ears.. then keanloong gor help me pull back mama's ears.. thanks gor! =D
my signature "go and die" look ;)
muaacccckksssssssssssssssssssss! mama!
ewh.. my "sister" is so disgusting!
i HATE it when he takes photo with me and covers my face with SOMETHING! now lagi bad.. dahlah jadi MIC.. take the st john flag and cover my face T.T
oh oh! we had the same nametag.. and sir annouced it =.= he goes, "acting lance corporal Sandra Teh.." =.="
the biggie family =D
seeeeee mee pulling keanloong's earsssss????
i <3 my friends.
the flammable family.. awwww... hot gor, hao chernggg is not hereee...
i love my Low.
BOO! sama kienyoooong!
the mianggg look my mama giving papa =D
they were trying to DO SOMETHING BAD to meee T.T
i love my Dana a.k.a sistah! =D
and weigin loves her too!
u seeeeeeeeee the juniorssss... halfway carrying the sofa.. then sit thereee...
my juniorssssssssssss =DDD
-end of post-
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