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Monday, September 29, 2008


omggg.. i talked to yuen ping for like exactly 48 minutes and 21 secondss.. my dad will kill me for the phone bill.. we were talking about sejarah sejarah and sejarah.. i say one thing bout a topic.. she can like tell me every single thing bout it and the year and datesss.. omGGGGG!!!! omfgggggg.. btw, omFg.. stands for ohmyfreakinggod.. not ohmy*ahem*god..

and emily is like so damn good in science.. i wonder how long it takes to be like them.. they are like super crazy ppl.. mygodddddd... i am so blur in like every single freaking thinggg.. i wish i could be born like in the dinosour years.. so that i can do not need to learn bout all this stupid history politics stufff.. its driving me crazyyy...

sobsss... ~~

and the freaking fleming left hand rule and the right-hand grip rule is driving me nutssss~~~ ugh!!!!

oh, and erm, ade, siewjin, low and sheau hwa, if you wanna know ur BM marks, call the freaking me.. i got it.. dun sms arhhh!!! i slap you, waste my credit.. if u wanna know, call me..!! >.<

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