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Sunday, September 21, 2008

harh lorh??

TAKE NOTE, PEOPLEEE~~ siew jin is beside me and she want me to post that.. SHE IS HAWT~~ haha..

today.. seriously.. kean loong is like superr lame with him super lame MBS friend.. godd.. and then kean loong's clone teached us KH.. ahahaha..

we were super crazy.. emily is jealous.. ahahahhaha.. i know she is super gonna kill me but is her fault first.. because vivian and her said that yesterday, i sms kean loong to wear black colour shirt so that i can padan with him.. i was like watthehelllll~~~ gawwwwddd....

the BI teacher was damn hamsap.. we were learning past tense.. and~~

1) she observed him looking IN the valley..
2) after her blouse was torn, she laughed hysterically..
3) the man shot his bird~~

i tell you.. when the teacher is explaining it.. i was telling siew jin that this woman is most probably sheau hwa's sifu.. ahhahah..XDDD wat the hellll~~ ahahaha...

siew jin is kinda crazy.. she's lying on the bed and i tell you.. she is trying to seduce me... but sorry siewjin, i like guyss.. ahahahahahhaXDDDDDDDDDD nola.. joking... DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!! i kesian arjun cause he is in a different class and he is FORCED to sit beside samantha... ahahahhaha...

the maths teacher was funny alsoooo~~ as wat niro blogged.. the lines and angles.. about the F U C K thing.. niro, he knows larhhh.. gawddddd.. u think he is stupid arr?? but his style is seriously so usefullllll.. and so chun-ted.. ahahhahaha...

ewh ewh.. siewjin.. how many times i gotta tell you that I LIKE GUYS!!! I'M NOT LES... she is so darn scarrryyy... she just wrote sandra <3 siewjin.. and then,.. she said wat if you blog about it.. then i gave her a look.. then she said.. dont gimme that innocent look.. but actually.. THE look meant..

"i'm actually blogging it.. while you say that..."

ahahhaahXDDDDD she damn rajin weyh.. took my sejarah book and read.. ahahhahaha XDDDD.. righttt...

NIRO!!!! AT LAST I FORMED MY OWN NOTES FOR THE TAYLOR SWIFT- INVISIBLE SONG.. the starting is in construction.. but the chorus i let you listen adyyyy.y...hahahahah....

just now me and siewjin kept playing and playing and playing pianoooo~~~.. ahhahahaha...

OHMYGODDD.. CAN YOU LIKE BELIEVE IT??? like NO ONE is onlineeee~~ pergi bercinta larh tuu~~ not like me..~~ stay at home and study.. bullshit.. XD

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