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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

say cheeessseee!!

random pic i took yesterdayyyy~~

the band ppl???

woohooooo~~~~ cheng ken and cheng kuan!! woo hoo~~ they perform good like SHIT!!!

performance by SBS ppl..

4 science gamma.. kesian they all larhh.. aihhh...

SBS teacherrssss~~

lala pose! dillll~~ wat if *ahem* saw this.. hahahaha.. so lalalalalalala~~ haha

yerrr.. chengken and keanloong look like gay partnerss.. ewhhh..

blur case sally..

this picture reminds me of exactly something i'm thinking.. hahahah... nao ne ka te li ke ren, richard.. ahahaha

she's writing something emooo..~~ not my fault, niro.. all your friends were bekerjasama-ing with me to take your emo picsss.. hahaha ... soli.. haha

i was taking a pic of the emo note she is writing behind her.. michelle, alesha, steffi, somemore who arr?? oh. and sharifah.. were pretending like nothing happen.. hahaha..

then suddenlyyy!! she wrote this.. means she knew i was behind her.. haha.. but dont believe the smiley beneath my name.. she didnt meant it.. cause her face showed.. this --> =(((

rajin-ted puiyi.. hahaXDD she's so gonna killl meee~~

ch-chak! gotcha!!!

rock-a-my-baby-on-the-tree topppp~~


the cradle will fall...~~
niro.. niro.. thinking of who arr, niroo?? emo-ing bout who arr??~~ =P

look at ade's face.. and then look her hand.. hahahahahXDD

=DDDDDDDDD pet-sissssssssss...
smileeeeee =)

so cutee mann.. no wonder~~ i better keep my mouth shut.. hahaha..

hehe.. 3 cute ppl.. ahaha.. emilyyy, meee, and one pig (yuen pinggg)

puiyi is showing her backside because she dont want us
siewwwiiieee the genieeee!! smiles =))

say cheeeeessseee!!

peace mann!!

me and bi-ah! hahaXDD

me and shaaaa~~~

niro! niro! niro! from the look, you can see one hyper, and the other emo, trying to be hyper.. like muahhh!! hahaXDD.. try harderrrr, nirooo!!

cute lil' monkehh!

yerrr.... you see at kean loong's ham sap look.. like stalker onlyy... you know what is he looking?? emily's carr... ewhh.. in his thought, he is like.. "when i get to drive her home instead of her brother??" hahahaXDD.. emily is gonna kill, skin, slaughter, murder, cook me.. hahaXDD

my husbanddddd!! alesha really believed.. hahahahahahXDDD

why must she be tallllerr than meeee???~~

salllyy bellyyy!!

me and my babyyy jaretttt~~

mr.loyyyy.. hahaXD

look at the third line.. it says.. --> free class for consultation..
we probably have some mental problem to mend.. haha.. XD

stupid adeee look taller than me...

pei ann and emiliar~~ lipase, protease, amylase... ahahaXD

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