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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


my mom told me that her teacher told her not to believe a guy's story 100%.. just believe 50%.. however, i told her, that whatever i told her about him.. i assure her, that she can believe it 101%.. i told her, she would love him when she sees him.. and she was quite surprise.. yeah.. quite.. =)

i think, you guys must be wondering why the hell i tell my mom so much things.. i know questions like "you dun scared she scold you??" willl be presented.. but.. wait till you know my mom.. she is more like a... a... another.. sandra.. she can be very hyper at times too.. actually.. it runs in my whole family.. i think you would go mad if you meet my whole family and know us well.. sometimes, i'm so ashamed because we get too crazy sometimes XDDD

ohoh! and now, renny know's my stuff, and i know his ;) that's how husband and wife share stuff.. ahahahahXDDD

i'm glad i am in good thinggyyy with her ady.. i have been waiting.. thank god it was nothing.. maybe.. there WAS a reason.. but, who cares?? my world is has turn everything into things with =) smiles.. i have no more worries =)
why must he message me??
i rather he dont..
does he know everytime he messages me,
it gives me hope..
and then sometimes,
he doesnt reply..
and crushed my hopes like crushing a can.
and he will messages me again,
and it gives me hope again,
the same things happen..
to tell the truth,
i am sick of it,
so sick..

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