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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


HAHA!!! today as usual, i went jogging with my bro's gf.. there were many ppl.. PESS girls practicing i dunno what.. then got those high school boys.. training for the football thingy i guess.. and then after jogging for a long time.. we walked and chatted.. then as we were walking.. some high school malay boys.. jogged pass us and

he said to my bro's gf, "hey, ah moi, sexy arh, baju you.."

my bro's gf was like.. -_-""" with her mouth open.. and i was laughing like shit...!!! hahahaXDDD then she was like, "aiyah! the malay boys are like that wan larh!" ahahahahXDD i was laughing like shit..

but there was nothing to be sexy about also! my god.. my bro's gf is like wearing 3 quarter pants.. and a fitting T-shirt.. =.=" that's normal... ... .. zzz.. i guess they get so excited cause they havent seen hot girls like us.. like me!... hahaXDD yeah, i know what you're gonna say.. but, shuddap! hahaXDD

then, we went for yummy yummy breakfast.. we jog so much.. but we ate so much.. so there's no difference.. hahaXDDD who cares larh? i mean, she care.. but i dont! hahaXDD

anyway, gtg to do my shitty crazy piano theory homework! ugh!

oh, sheau hwa, we have come to a decision.. they will sleep 5 ppl in one tent.. and 3 of us, in one tent.. but their luggage will be with us.. omg, i rather sleeping with their luggage than with them! ugh! anyway.. yeah.. for more details, pls come online! ugh!!!

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