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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

TAG 1#

Tagged #1
Fill in the blanks.
I'm a [ girl, a hot one ]
Because [ I was destined to like guys ]
I should [ more feminie ]
Thank You [ whoever who created this shit ] , for your advice.

Got tagged by Louisa

Rules & Regulations:
-do not copy answers
-the tag questions must be 100% the same
-tag people after doing tag-no tagging back
I tag :-
1. Xiau wei
2. Hao cherng
3. Zhengkang
4. Weixing
5. Keanloong
6. Emily
7. puiyi
8. Junbin
9. yizen

1.How do you know 1?
xiau wei, in school, but know her more in ICC.. and loved her AFTER ICC..

2.What would you do if you never met 2?
hao cherng, I will never laugh my shit of for hours! and i would never meet my crazy hot RHECCI chairman partner.
3.What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
TRIPLE G!!! Gosh! God! Gasps! i regret putting their names there.. well, if number 3, zhengkang dated with me, it would be impossible.. and if number 4, weixing dated with me, it would be MORE impossible.. i already got his lameness.. its ENOUGH for me.

4.Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
Definitely a good one.. but pls dun kill me, emily.. i still love you..

5.Do you think 7 is attractive?
puiyi? DEFINITELY!!!! darn hot like SHITTT!!!

6.Do you know anything about 8's family?
junbin?? nah.. does chin chooi counted as his family?? hahaXD well, i know they are in beijing now! hahaXD

7.Tell me something about 9.
he NEVER stops talking about shook cheeng.. and NEVER stops whining and talking crap to me.. ugh...

8.what language does 2 speak?
Hao Cherng, DEFINITELY MALAY!!! hahaXDD bahasa istana somemore!!!

9.Who is 3 goin out with?
zhengkang, I.. dont know.. I... dont really want to know..

10.How old is number 4?
weixing, 16 going 17??

11. 5?
keanloong, 15 going 16 in 16 more days..

12.Who is 6 favourite singer?
me.. duh!!! hahaXD

ME ALSO!!! hahaXD i dun remember hearing them talking about SONGS.. hahaXD

14.Is 8 single?

15.What is 9 last name?
gosh.. what ady arh?? ah!! LIM!!! LIM YI ZEN! hahaXD

16.Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
yeap! definitely!!!! XDDD

17.Which school does 2 go to?

18.What do you like about 3?
gosh! why must they ask this type of question?? i am starting to hate tags.. erm.. he's cute when he's gay. fullstop.

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