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Sunday, December 28, 2008


GOSH!!! i laughed like... like.. like... like... some monkey was botak-ed.. walking into emily's house.. and say "hi, sis.. long time no see.." hahahhahahahhaXDDDDD

right, i laughed cause i read my HOT GOR"S BLOG!!!! walao.. i KNOW he's hot.. but i didnt know.. his BRAINS wasnt.. hahahhahahahahahXDDDDD

he said he went to a Malay wedding.. and then.. the parents went in to congratulate the ppl.. while he sat.. and......... ... .. .. (got it from his blog)

then here comes the funneh part:

every table has a teapot-like pot..(what the... =.='') inside was purely water... beneath the pot is a basement which had holes to let the overflowed water to stay inside... I poured some water into a glass and drank some of it.... then , Then, THEN!! a malay woman sat opposite laughed and told me that:

"hey dik... hahaha... tau tak? u tak pernah datang ke kenduri ke? air dlm pot tu bukan utk minum tau? untuk ini macam la dik... haha...***poured some water onto her palms as if she was washing her hands***s'karang tau? air ni utk cuci tangan tau?"

TRIPLE G!! ^#%@*%*@$%@#*%@*$!%$*@^#$T@*&$%#$*&#$&(@$^#(&%^#(*%#^%(&%@($^(*%#^(&^(&@%^#&%*#(%&%(#&%(*)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOI!! B*B*!! KAU S'KARANG BARU BAGI TAU SAYA ADAKAH LAMBAT S'KIT SUDAH ARHHH?! she was like laughing at me IM NOT CLOWN OKAYH?! SO WHAT?! YEA I DUNNO U MALAYS USE WATER ON A TABLE , IN A POT TO FREAKING WASH UR HANDS OKAYH?! yea i jus drank some of it... NOT SOME!! ALMOST THE WHOLE GLASS!!OMG!! i felt like asking "air ni bersih tak? beta mmg tak tau air ni utk cuci tangan larhhhh>.<" but for FACE, i jus din ask that...

PS from Sandra: aih!!! SPEECHLESS LARH!!! and yizen, stop bugging me for that song.. =P

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