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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cheer up, Stewpork Star! =D

To: My dear friend, Ho Weixing.

Pls cheer up.. according to you, I know you've been VERYYY fking stressed lately.. CHILL.. you HAVE to chill!! cheer up! dont be stupid by saying you're not a nice person..

excuse me, mr.. if you're not a NICE person.. you wont be helping me SO MUCH, taking so much trouble and TIME to listen to my problems, helping me solve them and giving me SO MUCH ADVICE!

you know the 10 lollipops i gave you? you know what? you dont deserve 10.. its too FEW FOR you.. you should deserve MILLIONS of it..

you HAVE to stay strong and continue being the Weixing that will continue smiling eventhough the world's gonna end tomorrow.. because YOU taught me to smile even when I'm sad.. YOU taught me the meaning of "that's what friends are for."

Don't EVER say you're useless, or a BIG DAMN HYPOCRITE



STOP SAYING that! okayyy???

hope you'll be fine soon.. SMILE =D

From: Your one and ONLY,

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