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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tell me why.



After reading Weixing's blog. It reminds me of our NOBLE principal who DISALLOWED David Archuleta to come to our school..

yeah, SBU-ians. I know how you feel. You can now stop cursing.


He was suppose to come to our school cause our school won for the contest on But our dear principal didnt allow him to come.

Dahlah she made drastic changes in our school. Can't we just have SOME fun? arghh.. . .

Everytime something reminds me of this. I tell you, I can burst into flames.

Grr.. . .. .

tell me WHYYYYYYYYYY~~!!!!!!
She have to be so bad to
destroyyyy us~~
our dreams to see him

Tell me whyyyyy!!!
we can't see his handsome face,
David, I'm telling you that we love you..

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